Riyad-us Saliheen
Riyad-us Saliheen
Every Fri at 19:00

Translated to English as 'The gardens of the righteous', this compilation of Hadiths is a supplemented by a commentary from Imam...

Womens Kuran and Tajweed
Womens Kuran and Tajweed
Every Wed at 11:00


Quran Studies
Quran Studies
Every Tue at 19:00


Arabic Beginner
Arabic Beginner
Every Tue, Fri at 17:00


Womens Breakfast
Womens Breakfast
day 01 of each month at 09:00


Tafseer Sessions
Tafseer Sessions
Every Mon at 19:00

Join us in truly understanding the words and commandments of Allah SWT through the Quran....



New website and Custom App
New website and Custom App
Mar 11, 2025, 8:31 PM
We welcome you to our new website an app. Developed solely to the benefit of our beloved congregation, you can now access inform...
Combined Shape